Your self-care practice

Maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself and why its so important. 

Over the recent years, I have played tug-o-war with my own self-care practice, engaging in an on-again, off-again relationship with it. It took a while, but I had to come to terms with and accept the importance of having a regular practice. Being okay with the fact that I NEED self-care on a daily basis. Apparently, getting a massage everyday isn't realistic, it forced me to get creative and explore new ways that work best to help me relax, feel joy, while connecting with my body, self and truth.

What is self-care, anyway?

/ self'ker /  noun :
  • the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health. 
  • the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness. 

Nowadays, it can be difficult to find the time and motivation to regularly take time for ourselves. Yet, the importance and necessity for it only grows when we are in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It can be challenging to handle and process stress when we are depleted, which is why taking time to slow down, replenish, balance, and nurture our bodies, minds and souls is essential. 

Maintaining a healthy relationship with ourselves can lead to numerous benefits!

  • Triggers relaxation response and promotes sense of peace and wellbeing.
  • Helps to manage and reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

  • Produces positive thoughts, emotions, and feelings:)
  • Improves confidence and self-esteem.

  • Increases compassion toward self:)

  • Boosts your Immune System.

  • Gives you alone time.

  • Makes you a better caregiver to others!!

So, what can I do for my self-care practice?

Getting in the habit of checking in with yourself and your body can be helpful in determining how you can best support yourself. Understanding your needs may change day to day and the allotted time available time may be more or less... knowing there are multiple tools and practices to use :)

  • Self love and compassion. Speaking kindly to yourself, setting boundaries, living intentionally, forgiving yourself.  

  • Essential Oils.  Diffuse, use topically (diluted when necessary)... this can be a quick and simple practice. (If your new to them and curious what would be best for you, I can help guide you).

  • Move your body! Stretching, exercising, hiking, going for a walk, yoga! I know dancing in the kitchen makes me feel good:)

  • Eating nourishing and healthy foods. Get to know what your body likes and doesn't like.

  • Bodywork! Energy healing, massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, reflexology, craniosacral. To name a few!

  • Meditation. Breathing, guided meditations, mindfulness, chanting, stillness. Remember, anyone can meditate! Yes, even you! 

  • Journal. Writing, expressing a few words or a sentence, drawing a picture, coloring. 

  • Grounding. Feeling your feet, gardening, connecting to nature, visualizations connecting to Earth. Centers and reconnects you to your physical body!

  • Breathing. Closing your eyes, following your breath, feeling the air moving in and out of your nose.. Mmmmmm so relaxing.....

Remember, small things are also very effective and may get overlooked as self-care practices... For instance, reading, enjoying a cup of coffee or tea, taking a nap or getting a good night sleep, going outside for some fresh air, taking a bath or shower, pausing for a few moments to take a couple of deep breaths. There are some days where I am totally exhausted or feel I do not have enough time to do much of anything... those days I look at washing my face and brushing my teeth as self-care. It is how we view our own care. Even these routine and mundane things we do every single day, like general hygiene, can be accepted as self-care. Take it easy on yourself... go slow if you need to. 

This is YOUR self-care practice... 
do what feels right and good for you. 

Be the best you. Your worth it.

How I found healing

My experience with Western medicine more times than not left me feeling unheard and the same as when I walked in the door leaving with nothing but a canned response.  It wasn't until I finally had the courage to ask for help for my emotional health from my MD, who immediately wanted to prescribe medication, I realized something was missing. Something BIG. 

My childhood and adolescent traumas had officially carried into my adulthood (that's a whole 'nother blog post- I'll spare you this time). Years of living with anxiety had finally taken over paving the road of harboring guilt and lack of self worth well into my twenties.  I was feeling overwhelmed and unsure how to deal with these issues, let alone where the hell to start. 

To my advantage, I grew up with a very open and supportive family where holistic living was prevalent. My father being a manufacturing business owner turned yoga therapist/meditation enthusiast and my mother who took her health into her own hands via au naturale lifestyle. My mothers holistic health practitioner recommended I see a colleague of hers who practiced healing touch and guided imagery. I pondered the idea for a few weeks... unsure whether I was ready to be vulnerable and actually face my own stuff. SCARY. All I knew was, something needed to change.  

My first experience with self healing was unlike any other. The practitioner was warm and welcoming. She was compassionate. She listened to me. She asked me questions. She was patient. I felt safe. She provided a space I felt comfortable being raw and open in. And though I had been to traditional therapy throughout my life, this was different- we were going to do something about everything we just talked about. She then asked me what MY INTENTION was. What I WANTED. And that her role was to help guide and support ME during the process.

I left feeling so peaceful and relaxed. A feeling I couldn't remember the last time I felt. Lighter. I could breathe. My thoughts were calm. Feeling completely different than when I walked in the door. Over several sessions I was able to work through emotions I had never processed that were showing up physically in my body, setting myself free. I am learning self healing is ongoing. It will never stop, and I continue to deepen that journey. Working on myself and receiving sessions from other practitioners, I am reminded to trust I heal in my own time and own way. New things come up, lingering stuff surfaces; some feels good, some are more difficult to work through. Yet, the energy knows what I am ready for and when. 

I am exactly where I am supposed to be. 


We are one.

I look forward to writing about issues, ideas and experiences that are present in my and my clients lives. It is beautiful how in sync we all are and that it can provide the love and support we need for each other, our community and the world.